Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Class Behavior Challenges and Thanksgiving

Oh my what a class I have this year!  Not to brag, but normally my class is very well behaved and I have very good behavior management.  This year, WOW!  It is tough, I really don't have any one typical behavior problem.  Just a mix of very active, chatty, disrespectful and helpless children.  I am trying everything under the sun and have not found something yet.  Class behavior rewards, terrific tallies, bribery, behavior chart, CHAMPS, whole group instruction, small group instruction, you name it.  I will not give up and I will succeed.  (When I figure it out I will be sure to share.)  I just read an interesting post on doing away with the typical behavior chart (read it here) and maybe since mine doesn't seem to work anyway I should try it?  I did make a little head way with a few students today.  The lost their privilege to participate in learning centers, they had to do the work by themselves at their seats.  They really did not like this, so hopefully...

OK now that I have vented (sorry)  I am going to start focusing on the positives and what I am thankful for this month.

Today I am thankful for the new technology we have been lucky enough to receive at school.  I have been given a new MacBook Pro and iPad for the classroom within the last 7 days.  (I know don't hate me too much.)  

I started my First Thanksgiving unit today.  I had the students complete their K and W of the KWL.  If you didn't grab this freebie earlier, you can get it here FREE.

I learned today that my kids don't really know much about the First Thanksgiving.  I am excited to be able to teach them all about it.

Also- you all JUST HAVE TO COME BACK ON Saturday.  Why, you are asking... 4 of my blogger friends and I are having a Thanksgiving Thank You Raffle for our followers.  The five of us are each giving away a fun $20.00 gift certificate.  That's $100.00 in gift certificates, just in time for the holidays. 


  1. Thanks so much for the freebie! Great idea! :)

  2. Thanks so much for the mention!
    Every so often we get a group dynamic that just isn't easy - good luck! I hope you find something that works:)

    Teaching in Progress


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