Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Motivation and Eye Can Read Sight Words FREEBIE!

Last night my daughter taught me how important motivation is to getting things done.  I also learned that what I think may be a great motivator really isn't!

My youngest daughter Tori is super messy and her room was a disaster!  I tried for 4 days to motivate her to clean her room.  I offered her things (bribery), asked nicely, raised my voice, took away TV, dessert, and electronic devices.  Nothing worked.  (It did work with my older daughter.) Last night she asked "Can I wait until the morning to take my bath?"  I initially said no and she pouted.  So my response was "If you have your room clean in 30 minutes, you can wait until the morning to take your bath."  Wouldn't you know it, she had it cleaned!

So the lesson I learned to take into the classroom... You have to find the right motivation to reach each child!

Last post I told you about the really fun eyeball ping-pong balls I found at The Dollar Tree.  Well here is the first way I plan to use them in my room.  I wrote "sight" words on the eyeballs and put them in a bucket.  In the Word Work center during the Super 6 Differentiated Learning Centers, students take turns picking out an eye.  If they can read the word, they keep it in the eye and record it on their sheet. (Included in this FREEBIE at my TpT store.) Once they record their 15 "sight" words, they use them to write spooky sentences.  I have also included "sight" word cards to use if you don't have eye "balls" available.

I have a really funny story to share tomorrow and another Word Work Freebie!  If you haven't already, please follow my store and blog so you will know about all of the freebies coming up!
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