Thursday, May 2, 2013

What a Day!

I have had the most stressful few days!  What do you do when you have a poor kiddo who can't help themselves or control their behavior.  Especially when the behavior is so disruptive to the rest of the class and hinders their learning.  It isn't the student's or the rest of the classes fault.  Then there is nothing you can really do to help until all of the paperwork, graphs and steps are complete.  Ahhhhhh!

It is also stressful because the student is new to the class and school.  So my class is in the home stretch for the year.  We are doing some great projects, stepping up the level to get ready for 2nd grade and the class is running smoothly.  This is my favorite part of the year!  Then it is like I am back at day 1 with my new student. 

I guess I will just do the best I can to make it through the last few weeks and hope it gets better.  I am trying positive thinking!  Tomorrow WILL be a good day.


  1. Teresa, I can so relate. I keep telling myself that even though the student hasn't arrived where I want him to be with behavior, I am making a difference in his life. Each tiny baby step matters. Maybe all the paperwork you are doing will payoff in this child getting the help he so needs. YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE. ...and you are being a role model for your kiddos about how to handle difficult situations. It is not easy, but just take one day (one minute??) at a time. Take care!

  2. Think positive and just do what you can do - you are trying your best to help!

    Love to Learn

  3. I totally understand! I had a sweet little boy in my class with serious behavior problems this year. Luckily my other students were very understanding and I found that once I had connected with him in a way he could understand things got a lot better! Just give it some time, it'll get easier :)


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