Thursday, September 19, 2013

QR Taks Card Freebie!

Anyone who teaches K/1 knows getting those little guys to work independently and stay on task while you pull small groups is a VERY daunting task!  Today I tried a new independent practice activity with my kiddos and it was AMAZING!!!  I just had to share!

Ever since I took my firsties on a QR code gingerbread scavenger hunt they have be QR code crazy!  Every time we see one they want to scan it!  Task cards are also all of the rage right now and a great way to encourage independent practice and staying on task.  I have seen several printed task cards students complete and then scan each card to check the answer.  These sound fabulous for upper grades, but I envisioned half of my class just scanning the answers and copying it (after all they are QR crazy!)  Well here is my solution and I am sharing it with you all to try for free!  Click here to grab it.

So here is what you do.  First download the file and follow the printing directions.  It takes no time at all.  I made the mistake of laminating my cards, the glare from the laminate interfered with the scanning. Make sure you have a QR scanning app on an iPad, iPod, tablet, macBook...  Show the kids how to scan a code.  Then demonstrate how to record their answers on the answer sheets.  I had my students do this as a part of their Super 6 Daily Differentiation.  They were in groups of 3.  When they completed their 12 task cards, they would come to my table and scan the answer key QR code and self check. 

I knew in theory this should have all worked pretty well.  I figured the first graders would require quite a bit of help the first few times, but eventually they would get.  Boy was I wrong!  They all took to it immediately and better than I ever envisioned.  They were fully engaged, on task, helping each other out if needed and LOVING it! 

Check out this quick video of my students in action!

I plan to make a few more of these this weekend.  I would love to hear what you think about them! 

I am linking up with TBA's Friday Freebie!

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