Friday, March 8, 2013

Five for Friday

A week filled with silly stories and rhyme!
I really wished I had a little lot more time!

Can you tell I have been reading Seuss all week?

I love reading about everyone's random and fun things from the week.  I am linking up with a few to share this week with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!
Here are my five random things!  We had a very fun filled week!

1. We had a "Cat in the Hat" magic show for the firsties!  It was all themed around the book fun tricks similar to the ones he did in the book.  They were pretty simple tricks, but the kids loved them!

2.  For a special treat, my teaching partner and I made our special Green Eggs for our classes.   My recipe was whipped topping with a scoop of lime sherbert.  My partner made real eggs and ham with a little food coloring.  The kids loved the treats.  This year they were even smart enough when asked their favorite to say they liked them both.

 3.  Earlier in the week we had another treat.  To celebrate that special cat, we had these delicious Jello cups topped with blue colored whipped topping.  (They were much easier than last years red-velvet cupcakes with cotton candy on top.  The cotton candy all melted.)
 4.  Today our school had a great Energy Saving presentation, Men in Plaid.  Florida Power and Light sponsored this great show.  If you are lucky enough to live in my beautiful state, you should call them to bring it to your school.
 5.  My favorite part of the week was the end of my day today.  We were relaxing and reading in our PJ's (Yes I got to wear PJ's to work!) and we went outside for a while.  I had the children spread out and find a special spot on the playground to relax and read!  I got some amazing pictures!

I hope you had a great week too, and an even better weekend!


  1. I love your Dr. Seuss week activities! I agree, I could do Dr. Seuss a lot longer than one little week! We did our celebration the week before and we had a snow day, so we only had four days of Seuss because of the snow day! I am going to save those fabulous plans for sub plan days!


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