Saturday, March 16, 2013

Our Earth

I can't believe how quickly time is flying!  It will be Earth Day before we know it!  In K/1, before we teach about Earth Day we have to teach what Earth is. 

Because of how limited our actual instruction time is, I love to tie in as many subjects as I can.  We are currently learning about 3D shapes in math, so it is a great time to learn about this big old sphere we live on!  I also introduce fractions a little bit with a craft we make.  After learning nearly 3/4 of the Earth's surface is covered by water and 1/4 is land, we need to learn and visualize what 1/4 actually is.  I start off by demonstrating with a green piece of paper and fold it in to fourths.  Then I cut is apart.  Then I give each student a piece of blue paper, we fold this paper in to fourths, then cut away one of the fourths.  Then I have enough green 1/4 pieces cut to give each child a piece.  Using out paper, we tear them into little pieces and glue them to the back of a paper plate, making our own little Earths.  (I was not brave or crazy enough to break out the balloons and paper mache.)

In science and reading we learn about our Earth using several informational resources.  We conclude our study of Earth by completing this graphic organizer and writing about Earth.  I pair the writing and craft to display.  Click here to grab it here.

I have also created an Earth Day Linky!  Click on the Linky Fun tab above to find out about other great lessons and find more resources.  If you have a great lesson I also hope you will share!
Fun in K/1 Linky Fun

Please check back tomorrow, I have big plans!  My blog is turning 1 year old and I have big plans to celebrate and gifts for you!


  1. I love the idea of integrating Earth Day into math. Thanks so much for sharing, Teresa!

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

    1. Thanks Catherine! I am happy you stopped by and I had the chance to visit your blog. I'm your newest follower!

  2. I am so glad I found your blog:) Congratulations on your upcoming bloggy birthday:) I am also in Florida.


    1. Thanks for coming by! Florida is the greatest, hopefully tomorrow will be a beach day!


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